What is the maternity leave policy in Hungary?

If you're a pregnant woman living in Hungary or planning to have a child while living in the country, you might be wondering what specific rights for maternity leave are, including how long you can take off and what benefits you're entitled to.

How long can you be on maternity leave in Hungary?

Women can take up to three years of maternity leave and receive benefits. This is one of the more generous entitlements in Europe.

How much do you get paid on maternity leave in Hungary?

For the first 6 months, mothers get Pregnancy and Confinement Benefit (CSED) which is 70% of their salary.

For the next 18 months, until the child's 2nd birthday, mothers get Child Care Fee (GYED) which is 70% of their salary, up to double the minimum wage.

There's also a Child Home Care Allowance (GYES) available for parents or grandparents caring for a child up to 3 years old. This is paid by the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK).

Is there paternity leave in Hungary?

A dad has the right to 5 days of paid time off when a baby is born, or 7 days if there is more than one baby (or it was a complicated birth).

This time needs to be taken within 2 months of the baby's birth.