Is Hungarian a SOV or SVO?

When we discuss about the Hungarian language, one common question arises - Is Hungarian a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) or Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) language?

In the shortest possible terms, Hungarian is typically considered a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) language. However, like many languages, Hungarian is flexible and allows for various word orders depending on emphasis and context.

The Basic Word Order: SOV

The standard order in Hungarian, particularly when no special emphasis is intended, follows the Subject-Object-Verb pattern. Consider the sentence, "The dog chases the cat", in Hungarian, it would translate to "A kutya üldözi a macskát", with "A kutya" (The dog) being the subject, "a macskát" (the cat) being the object, and "üldözi" (chases) being the verb.

Flexible Word Order: The Hungarian Exception

However, it's important to note that Hungarian is notably flexible when it comes to sentence structure. The language allows a multitude of configurations for the sake of emphasis. So unlike most SOV languages, Hungarian places the element the speaker wants to emphasize at the beginning of the sentence. This can lead to configurations like OVS or even VSO, giving Hungarian a certain level of dynamism that's distinct from many other languages.

For instance, if a speaker wants to emphasize the cat being chased, they may say, "A macskát üldözi a kutya", which translates directly to "The cat is chased by the dog".

Subject-Verb Agreement: An Essential Rule

While Hungarian allows flexibility in sentence construction, there's a crucial factor that remains constant across the various sentences: the subject-verb agreement. Irrespective of the placement of the subject in the sentence, the verb must always agree with the subject, not the object.


So, while the basic word order in Hungarian is SOV, it deviates depending on context, emphasis and fluidity of conversation. Hence, Hungarian, with its versatility, embraces a spectrum of patterns beyond just SOV and SVO, defying the rigid structures that are typically imposed by many languages. The linguistic freedom and rich morphosyntax sets the Hungarian language apart, showcasing its unique linguistic character.