Latest news in Hungary

The latest Hungary news in English - Sep 23rd 2024

- Weather Whiplash: Summer's Last Hurrah
Enjoy the fleeting sunshine while you can! Monday temperatures in Hungary are set to hit a warm 27 degrees Celsius. But hold onto your summer hats—rain and thunderstorms are forecast for Tuesday. The weekend will bring a chilly cold front, so it's wise to keep that umbrella handy! Read more here

- Future of Pécs in Flux
In Pécs, Csaba Fürj from the opposition coalition triumphed in recent elections with 58.88% of the vote, shaking up the local political scene and leaving Fidesz’s János Kővári with just over 37%. With the assembly set to convene on October 15, keep an eye on potential political alliances forming as both sides scramble to establish a governing majority. Read more here

- Bumpy Road Ahead for New On-Call System
The new on-call family doctor system set to launch on October 1 is hitting some roadblocks—only 261 out of 860 family doctors have signed up! With longer shifts looming, let’s hope all the kinks are worked out before the launch, or we might be calling our doctors instead of them calling us! Read more here

- Flood Preparations in Budapest
As floodwaters retract, Budapest is gearing up for clean-up operations post-flooding. Mayor Gergely Karácsony announced a start to the recovery on Tuesday, while some tram lines may take longer to resume service. The flood peaked over the weekend, but levels are predicted to stabilize soon. Here’s hoping for a swift return to dry ground! Read more here

- Cupra Terramar Production Begins in Győr
Exciting news for the auto industry as production of the Cupra Terramar has commenced at the Audi factory in Győr! This comes after the plant bid farewell to the Audi TT last year and aims to produce 770 vehicles daily, providing stability for its 12,000 employees. Looks like the factory is revving up its engines for the future! Read more here

- Wage Updates Are In
Good news for workers! In July 2024, Hungary's median net wages soared to 362,900 forints, up 16.6% from last year. This includes a diverse range of figures by sector, with finance and IT being the top earners. Time to check your payslip and see if the trend is rubbing off on you! Read more here